
All images by Marco Montalti


According to legend, the 15th-century Japanese shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa broke his favorite tea bowl one day and sent it out for repair. It came back held together with metal clasps that disfigured the item and failed to make it watertight. He asked his Japanese artisans to mend the bowl and the art of kintsugi was born. 

The word kintsugi derives from the Japanese “kin” and “tsugi,” which translates to “golden joint.” The detailed process first involves gathering the broken pieces of an item and gluing it all back together. After the object is dried and sanded, the cracks are accentuated with multiple coats of lacquer and dusted with a metallic powder that is traditionally gold. The Japanese believe that the golden cracks in these pieces make the items even more beautiful and valuable.

More than just a craft technique, kintsugi follows the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, a belief centered on accepting and embracing the imperfections of life. Each of us has been broken, often in more ways than one. Just as we think we have repaired one crack, another one comes. With courage, dedication, patience, and a lot of self-compassion, we can apply the art of kintsugi to ourselves.

This site celebrates all the imperfections of life. The beauty in the breaks. Here, you will find wellness tools to guide and inspire you to live your most perfectly imperfect life, as well as reminders every step of the way that you alone have the power to dust your life with gold.


Rakhee Bhatt
Founder + Writer

When I was nine years old, my elementary school started a newspaper. It was done on plain white sheets of printer paper that were stapled together on the top left corner. I asked to join, and my first assignment was to interview our new fourth grade teacher. I went with a tape recorder and a list of questions. A couple of days later, I went back to do the interview again… I had forgotten to press the record button. Oops. Lesson one, always check your device and bring a backup. Lesson two, never be afraid of making mistakes. Lesson three, it will all be okay. TBH, I’m still learning those last two.

Since then, I’ve been enamored with experiences that allow me to authentically connect with people, learn new things, explore the world—all while expressing it through the written word. Over the past 17 years, I have worked professionally in journalism and communications for global companies as well as start-ups (more about that here). A few years ago, I had a health issue crop up that left me with persistent pain. I was cycling from doctor to doctor for months, only to be told by each that they don’t know what is wrong, or to go see this specialist, or to try these pills to fix an issue that they could not diagnose. I finally had enough. I took control of my own health and tried holistic methods that would ease the pain. This eventually led me to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I became a certified health coach.

By combining my background in writing and health, my hope with this site is that you too will feel emboldened to take charge of your own well-being in mind, body, and spirit. As Glinda the Good Witch said in The Wizard of Oz, “You’ve always had the power.”

Want to connect? Send me an email at rakhee@golddustedliving.com